SoLID Document 53-v1

field maps at just inside solenoid

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Submitted by:
Jay Benesch
Updated by:
Jay Benesch
Document Created:
07 Sep 2017, 13:14
Contents Revised:
07 Sep 2017, 13:14
Metadata Revised:
07 Sep 2017, 13:14
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I have modeled the magnet system with symmetric steel and with the real cut-out for the turret. The attached files cover a volume r=[0,100] z=[-205,-100] theta=[45,135] with cm spacing in r,z and one degree spacing in theta. ~974K points, Bx, By, Bz and |B|. Question: are the models close enough that even the parity studies can live with symmetric map, i.e. model only one-eighth the magnet? About 5.5% of the points have fields which differ by more than 0.1% but these may be outside the acceptance.
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