Software 2019
outdated software page as of 2019
quick demo
This is the quickest way to run the simulation in graphic mode on jlab ifarm machine with the official installation. Use it to get a feeling how it works.
ssh -XY your_lab_username@ifarm (login with Xwindow forwarding enabled) xclock & (test if Xwindow forwarding works) source /group/solid/solid_svn/set_solid (setup env with official installation framework and official repo) cd $SoLID_GEMC/script (enter the official repo script dir) solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard (two graphic windows should appear, one has control and one shows the detector) solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard -USE_GUI=0 (batch mode, information shows in terminal)
If you have any problem or it runs very slow, go to Software#on_ifarm
general instruction
We have a unified framework of installing GEMC and all their dependences
all SoLID software based on the framework is in SoLID repository
You need both the framework and SoLID repository to use the software
- installation of framework
- The framework use environmental variable JLAB_ROOT to control installation path and JLAB_VERSION to control version
- See detailed instruction for installation of framework
- installation of SoLID repository
- SoLID repository is in SVN, everyone has read right, only jlab account within "solid" group can write
- checkout by "svn co solid_svn"
- access its WebSVN interface at
- two ways to get auto notification about any change to SVN, use a graphic SVN client ("kdesvn" is good) or use RSS feed on the Websvn interface
- it directory structure
- "evgen", some event generators, (the others are in other repositories, see event generation section for details)
- "solid_gemc", GEMC 1.x related files for SoLID simulation
- "solid_gemc2", GEMC 2.x related files for SoLID simulation
- "subsystem" for individual subsystems
- "study" for studies involving different subsystems
- warning as of 2018 if you are trying to check out a SVN repo at anywhere under /lustre disk after login into ifarm (alias to ifarm1401 and ifarm1402), it will fail with an error due a SVN 1.7 client and NFS 3 conflict. Computer Center knows the problem and is looking into a long term solution. The temp solution is to do any SVN operation from ifarm1101 which has SVN 1.6
default version and official location
(as in 2017/05)
The default framework version is JLAB_VERSION=1.3
The default system for the default framework is CentOS7.2.1511-x86_64 on (alias to ifarm1401 and ifarm1402)
Linux_CentOS6.5-x86_64-gcc4.4.7 and Linux_RedHat6.9-x86_64-gcc4.4.7 are also supported for older system
(The framework was tested on many platforms, but for our use, it's only fully tested on systems similar to jlab ifarm system)
The official framework installation on jlab ifarm and jlab internal computers is at /group/solid/apps/jlab_root
The official SoLID repository checkout is at /group/solid/solid_svn, it will be be kept in sync with latest SVN.
(You should have your own checkout if you want to make any changes)
step by step guide
This is a step by step guide to setup and run simulation etc.
make sure you meet the requirement before you do anything
Do following before installation, updating and running the code
- check "echo $SHELL" to check if you are using tcsh shell. If it's not your default shell after login, first open a clean terminal and run "tcsh". In general, bash would work, but tcsh is default at jlab and what the instruction uses.
- clean your env variables. For example, remove your environment variable setup in your login script like .cshrc and .login or disable them temporally by "mv .cshrc cshrc" and "mv .login login". This is to avoid conflict from other software environment variables. Vice versa, don't put our environment variables into your login script either, set it up every time you login a terminal instead
- If you are running it in graphical mode on remote machines, make sure to turn on X11 forwarding by "ssh -X" or "ssh -Y" when connecting to remote machines. If you local computer is windows, you need to turn on X11 forwarding in putty's option and have a Xwindow server like Xming or VcXsrv running. test if "xclock" or "xterm" will work first
on ifarm
This allow users to run it on ifarm and test code before submitting jobs to jlab farm. You don't need to install the framework and you can choose to use official repo or your own repo.
if you can't ssh into ifarm, ask jlab computer center to allow your account access ifarm
(additional requirement for graphic mode) If you want to run it on ifarm in graphic mode, see help at ifarm_graphic_mode first. If you want to run it on ifarm in batch mode without graphic, simply ssh into ifarm, then go to next step
(use official installation of framework with official repo which you can't modify) source /group/solid/solid_svn/set_solid
(use official installation of framework with your repo so that you can make changes) cd your_choice_of_solid_repo_path svn co solid_svn (checkout the repo) cd solid_svn cp set_solid set_solid_mine (create your copy of env script) edit set_solid_mine by following the instruction within, you only need to change $SoLID_GEMC source set_solid_mine (setup env with your repo) cd $SoLID_GEMC/source/$GEMC_VERSION (enter the source dir for solid_gemc) scons OPT=1 (compile solid_gemc) source set_solid_mine (optional step if solid_gemc can't be found in default PATH. if it does work for the first time, try it in a clean terminal)
(now you can run it) cd $SoLID_GEMC/script (enter the script dir) solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard (graphic mode, one windows has control and the other shows the detector) solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard -USE_GUI=0 (batch mode, information shows in terminal)
on jlab internal machine
If your machine is on jlab internal network, you can use the pre-compiled framework shared over jlab network.
more /etc/redhat-release (check if your machine is supported Software#default_version_and_official_location, otherwise you need to change or update to the support system) ls /group/solid/apps/jlab_root (check if you can access the pre-compiled framework) (if you don't have access, you have two choices 1. ask jlab computer center to add it for your machine 2. use sshfs (install fuse_sshfs after turn on EPEL repo by following instruction here) su -l mkdir /group chown your_jlab_username.your_jlab_group /group exit sshfs -o workaround=all ifarm:/u/group /group )
(use official installation of framework with your repo so that you can make changes) cd your_choice_of_solid_repo_path svn co solid_svn (checkout the repo) cd solid_svn cp set_solid set_solid_mine (create your copy of env script) edit set_solid_mine by following the instruction within, you only need to change SoLID_GEMC source set_solid_mine (setup env with your repo) cd $SoLID_GEMC/source/$GEMC_VERSION (enter the source dir for solid_gemc) scons OPT=1 (compile solid_gemc) source set_solid_mine (optional step if solid_gemc can't be found in default PATH. if it does work for the first time, try it in a clean terminal)
(now you can run it) cd $SoLID_GEMC/script (enter the script dir) solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard (graphic mode, one windows has control and the other shows the detector) solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard -USE_GUI=0 (batch mode, information shows in terminal)
If you have any problem running official installation of framework, double check if your system is supported. It could be some needed packages were not installed on your local machine and you need to install them as root. refer to "prepare for installation" at [1]
If you have any problem running official installation of framework, go to Software#on_any_machine
on any machine
This gives you maximum freedom to use your installation of framework and your repo
install the default version of framework by following installation instruction at installation of framework cd your_choice_of_solid_repo_path svn co solid_svn (checkout the repo) cd solid_svn cp set_solid set_solid_mine (create your copy of env script) edit set_solid_mine by following the instruction within, you need to change SoLID_GEMC and JLAB_ROOT source set_solid_mine (setup env with your repo) Check if the version you installed need these fixes by following Jlab_software_tmp_fix cd $SoLID_GEMC/source/$GEMC_VERSION (enter the source dir for solid_gemc) scons OPT=1 (compile solid_gemc) source set_solid_mine (optional step if solid_gemc can't be found in default PATH. if it does work for the first time, try it in a clean terminal)
(now you can run it) cd $SoLID_GEMC/script (enter the script dir) solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard (graphic mode, one windows has control and the other shows the detector) solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard -USE_GUI=0 (batch mode, information shows in terminal)