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To used latest feature of gemc, you need to compile the code yourself.

For now, Mauri is working on make the way to compile on general platform.

But it's very easy to compile on ifarml.

So go to ifarml6 or ifarml1 which are 64bit CentOS now

then run

svn co
cd production
source /site/12gev_phys/ce/jlab.csh
scons OPT=1 -j4

Then you should have gemc binary code in the current directory.

You can run the newly built gemc on ifarml, but the openGL graphic will be slow.

Or if you already gemc rpm installed on your local machine which gives you many gemc dependent library, like root,geant4,evio,clhep etc, you can copy the newly built gemc to your local machine, then you can this new version of gemc. The assumption here is that the version of those external libraries has not changed, only the gemc source code change for this new build.

I have compile it on ifarml6 and use it on fedora14_x64 just fine.