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GEM readout


Calorimeter readout

Gas Cerenkov readout

MRPC readout

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Last update : September 10th 2012

Detectors SoLID PVDIS

Detector Number of channels Module type Number of modules Connector Patch Cable length Patch Module connector
Forward Calorimeter 1700*2 = 3400 FADC 240 Lemo BNC to LEMO Lemo
Light Gas Cerenkov 270 FADC (included with FC ) Lemo BNC to LEMO Lemo
GEM 141000 APV25 90 Lemo BNC to LEMO Lemo

Detectors SoLID SIDIS

Detector Number of channels Module type Number of modules Connector Patch Cable length Patch Module connector
Forward Calorimeter 1150*2=2300 FADC 144 Lemo Lemo
Large angle Calorimeter 450*2 = 900 FADC 57 Lemo Lemo
Light Gas Cerenkov 120 FADC 8 Lemo Lemo
Heavy Gas Cerenkov 270 FADC 17 Lemo Lemo
MRPC 270 Custom TDC ? ?  ?
Scintillators 120 FADC 8 BNC Lemo
GEM 164000 APV25 81 HDMI HDMI