Dry Run, June 2012
time and location
Date: 2012_06_13-14 Wed and Thu
Jlab CEBAF L210 Wed morning
Jlab CEBAF L102 Wed afternoon
Jlab CEBAF L210 Thu morning
Jlab CEBAF L102 Thu afternoon
(L210 is second floor, above the lobby, facing auditorium)
Phoneline: US 866-740-1260, International 303-248-0285, Access code: 1978431
remote desktop sharing: readytalk, join as a PARTICIPANT with the same Access code: 1978431
note: this screen sharing system is from the same company providing our conference phone system. All you need is a browser with flash. One choice is google chrome 32 bit (win,linux,mac) which has flash built-in at http://www.google.com/chrome
upload talks
You can upload talks on any jlab CUE machine (like jlabl1) at the directory /group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/meeting_coll/2012_06_dryrun
Then make a link in the agenda with the address like "http://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/meeting_coll/2012_06_dryrun/"+"yourfilename"
or if you encounter any problem, ask or send the talk to Seamus Riordan
6/13 (Wednesday) Morning
9:00 Welcome/ Hall A status - Bob Michaels 9:10 Brief remark from Management - Rolf Ent 9:20 PVDIS - Paul Souder 9:50 Discussion 10:10 SIDIS/TMD - Haiyan Gao pdf 10:40 Discussion 11:00 Break 11:20 Overview of SoLID - J. P. Chen 11:50 Discussion 12:10 Lunch
13:30 GEM - Nilanga Liyanage 14:00 Discussion 14:20 Calorimeter(pdf) - Xiaochao Zheng 14:50 Discussion 15:10 Break 15:30 DAQ - Alexandre Camsonne pdf 16:00 Discussion 16:20 Tracking - Ole Hansen 16:40 Discussion 17:00 General Discussion 18:00 Adjourn
6/14 (Thursday) Morning
9:00 PMT Cerenkov - Zein-Eddine Meziani 9:30 Discussion 9:50 Hadron Blind Cereknov - Tom Hemmick 10:20 Discussion 10:40 General Discussion on Cherenkov options 11:00 Break 11:20 Polarimetry - Kent Paschke 11:40 Atomic Moller - Kurt Aulenbacher 11:50 Discussion 12:10 Lunch
13:30 Simulation - Seamus Riordan 14:00 Discussion 14:20 Background/Radiation(pdf) - Lorenzo Zana (draft) 14:50 Discussion 15:10 General Discussion 15:40 Other Issues, Next Collaboration Meeting. 16:00 Adjourn