Earlier solgemc installation outside JLAB

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by Rich Holmes

I have been working on getting the Geant4 simulation and related software up and running on a couple of non JLAB systems; here are some notes on what I did the first two times. I may be omitting some steps here and I definitely have rearranged the order and left out some steps that I tried but that didn't seem to give useful results, so there are no guarantees this will work for anyone else, but it should cut down on confusion, or so I hope. The later installation should be a better example to follow than my these (thanks to better understanding on my part, and probably some improvements in the solgemc package itself).

Second and better installation

The target system for now is one running Ubuntu 10.10 (32 bit i386).

Generally speaking what I tried to do was to set up a directory structure similar to what is installed using the gemc RPM; qt4 and geant4 already existed on this system but not necessarily configured as needed for gemc, so I put new installations into the new directory tree.

initial setup

  1. mkdir ~/jlab_software and cd there
  2. mkdir Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3


  1. svn checkout https://phys12svn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/ce in ~/jlab_software
  2. Edit to set DEFAULT_JLAB_ROOT to ~/jlab_software. Also edit default software versions below that as needed.
  3. Depending on your Linux distribution you may need to edit ce/osreleast.pl in the obvious place to set an appropriate value for $release. For my Ubuntu 10.10 installation this was not necessary.
  4. source ~/jlab_software/ce/jlab.csh


  1. Install scons using Ubuntu Software Center
  2. svn checkout https://clas12svn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/clas12/scons_scripts/ in ~/jlab_software
  3. Depending on your ROOT version you may need to change
    env.Append(LIBPATH = [ROOTSYS + '/lib/root'])
    env.Append(LIBPATH = [ROOTSYS + '/lib'])
    in loadroot.py


  1. Download sources from http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3.tar.gz
  2. Install following https://gemc.jlab.org/gemc/Support/Entries/2011/1/22_Getting_and_Compiling_qt4.html into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/qt


  1. Install ROOT as usual from source into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/root ; use configure --enable-qt --enable-qtgsi


  1. Install following https://gemc.jlab.org/gemc/Support/Entries/2011/1/22_Getting_and_Compiling_clhep.html into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/clhep


  1. Do a manual install from sources into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/geant4. Sources from http://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/support/download.shtml ; manual installation instructions at http://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/UserDocumentation/UsersGuides/InstallationGuide/html/ch02s03.html . The ce environment defines the needed environment variables for correct configuration; don't use ./Configure -build .


  1. svn checkout https://clas12svn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/clas12/evio and put into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/evio; cd there.
  2. ./configure
  3. make
  4. make install


  1. sudo apt-get install mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev


  1. Install following https://gemc.jlab.org/gemc/Support/Entries/2011/1/19_Getting_and_Compiling_gemc.html into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/gemc and cd there.
  2. Edit ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/gemc/SConstruct: copy the env.Library line at the end, paste, and replace env.Library with env.SharedLibrary .
  3. scons
  4. Depending on your Linux installation you may need something like sudo chcon -t texrel_shlib_t ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/gemc/libgemc.so to avoid an error caused by selinux; this was not necessary for my Ubuntu 10.10 installation.


  1. svn checkout https://jlabsvn.jlab.org/svnroot/solid/solgemc
  2. To test, set up mysql tunneling. In runnewbaf_solgemc.sh comment out first command and uncomment second, change -N to 10000, then run this. I get a memory allocation crash at the end but the output file is written.


  1. svn checkout https://clas12svn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/clas12/banks into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/banks
  2. unpack tarball sent by Seamus, copy src/example4.cc to banks/src/
  3. edit src/bank.cc to replace db.setUserName("clasuser"); with db.setUserName("soliduser"); db.setPassword("ilovesolid");
  4. scons


  1. download http://desy.de/~znagy/hep-programs/cteq-pdf/cteq-pdf-1.0.4.tar.gz and untar into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/cteq-pdf/1.0.4 . cd there.
  2. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local default is to install under ~/, I chose to install in /usr/local
  3. make
  4. sudo make install

event generator

  1. svn co https://jlabsvn.jlab.org/svnroot/solid/evgen and put into ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/evgen; cd there.
  2. cd eicRate_20101102
  3. make


  1. cd ~/jlab_software/Linux_Ubuntu10.04-i686-gcc4.4.3/evgen/root_to_lund
  2. make Note: I did not need any environment variable changes (using ROOT 5.25).

First and worst installation

The target system for now is one running CentOS 5.6 (32 bit i386), newly installed. Install developer packages, of course.


  1. go to http://rpm.pbone.net and search for scons. I find a link for RH EL5 i386 version 1.2.0. This is an older version but it's what's on ifarml6. Install with rpm.
  2. svn checkout https://clas12svn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/clas12/scons_scripts/


  1. sudo rpm -ivh http://software.freivald.com/centos/software.freivald.com-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
  2. sudo yum update fontconfig fontconfig-devel qt4 qt4-devel (Not sure all those are required)


  1. Install ROOT as usual from source; use configure --enable-qt --enable-qtgsi


  1. sudo rpm -ivh http://www.jlab.org/12gev_phys/RPMS/noarch/jlab-phys-1.3-1.noarch.rpm
  2. sudo yum install gemc-jlab
  3. Note that it appears one must work in (t)csh to run gemc. Irritating — I prefer bash — but that's life. To facilitate modifications, copy to user directory and work with that: cp -rp /usr/local/jlab_software ~/
  4. setenv JLAB_ROOT ~/jlab_software
  5. Edit ~/jlab_software/ce/osrelease.pl. Add a test for CentOS 5.6 in the obvious place.
  6. sudo ln -s ~/jlab_software/Linux_RHEL5-i686-gcc4.1.2 ~/jlab_software/Linux_CentOS5.6-i686-gcc4.1.2 See below for continuation of gemc installation


  1. svn checkout https://jlabsvn.jlab.org/svnroot/solid/solgemc See below for continuation of solgemc installation
  2. from launchpad.net/scons-qt4, download, put in ~/solgemc/site_scons/site_tools/qt4

gemc continued

  1. cp -rp ~/solgemc/site_scons ~/jlab_software/Linux_CentOS5.6-i686-gcc4.1.2/gemc
  2. Edit ~/jlab_software/Linux_CentOS5.6-i686-gcc4.1.2/gemc/SConstruct: copy the env.Library line at the end, paste, and replace env.Library with env.SharedLibrary
  3. cd ~/jlab_software/Linux_CentOS5.6-i686-gcc4.1.2/gemc
  4. scons
  5. sudo chcon -t texrel_shlib_t ~/jlab_software/Linux_CentOS5.6-i686-gcc4.1.2/gemc/libgemc.so to avoid an error caused by selinux

solgemc continued

  1. Edit ~/solgemc/solgemc_env.csh:
    1. Comment out set UNAME... and following test for 64 bit
    2. Add unsetenv JLAB_ROOT and unsetenv JLAB_ROOT_ARCH
    3. Add setenv JLAB_ROOT ~/jlab_software/ and setenv JLAB_ROOT_ARCH $JLAB_ROOT/Linux_CentOS5.6-i686-gcc4.1.2/
    4. Add or change setenv GEMC $JLAB_ROOT_ARCH/gemc and setenv GEMC_EVIO2ROOT $JLAB_ROOT_ARCH/bin and setenv GEMC_HOST and setenv GEMC_USER soliduser
    5. Change setenv G4INSTALL $JLAB_ROOT_ARCH/geant4/4.9.3.p02
    6. Comment out source $G4INSTALL/env.csh and add source $JLAB_ROOT/ce/jlab.csh
    7. Change setenv QTDIR /usr/lib/qt4
    8. Change setenv EVIO $JLAB_ROOT_ARCH/evio
    9. Change set PYTHONADD=~/scons_scripts
  2. To test, set up mysql tunneling. In runnewbaf_solgemc.sh comment out first command and uncomment second, change -N to 10000, then run this. I get a memory allocation crash at the end but the output file is written.


  1. svn checkout http://clas12svn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/clas12/banks into ~/solgemc/
  2. unpack tarball sent by Seamus, copy src/example4.cc to ~/solgemc/banks/src/
  3. cp -rp ~/solgemc/site_scons ~/solgemc/banks
  4. ln -s /usr/local/root ~/jlab_software/Linux_CentOS5.6-i686-gcc4.1.2/root/5.28
  5. Edit ~/jlab_software/ce/root.env to replace root/lib/root with root/lib (In a standard ROOT install the libraries are in /usr/local/root/lib, not /usr/local/root/lib/root. However this turns out not to be enough, so we kludge a fix:)
  6. ln -s /usr/local/root/lib /usr/local/root/lib/root
  7. cd ~/solgemc/banks
  8. edit src/bank.cc to replace db.setUserName("clasuser"); with db.setUserName("soliduser"); db.setPassword("ilovesolid");
  9. scons

event generator

  1. svn co 'http://jlabsvn.jlab.org/svnroot/solid/evgen'
  2. follow install instructions for eicRate_20101102 but I needed to add -L /home/$(USER)/lib in definition of GLIBS in Makefile.arch).


  1. follow install instructions for root2lund. Did not need any environment variable changes.