FY2022 beam test high rate summary
From solidwiki
High rate at 18 deg
- SPD PID study (need photon samples)
- ECal PID study (charged electron and pion samples)
- We need to study LASPD timing
Run Information
- The 18 deg run was carried out from Feb. 20 to March 20, 2023.
- Mike's run list:
- run list google spreadsheet
- runs divided into conditions: google slides
- Detector layout:
- Schematic layout with detector sizes: pdf ppt
- Jimmy's record: beam_test_table_measurements_18_degree.pdf
- Shower prototype PMT information (gain vs. HV): HV_JLab_prototype.xlsx from Ye Tian (China)
- Jixie's online run list on redmine: online run list June 2022 - Jan 6, 2023; Jan 11 - Feb 19, 2023; Feb 20 - March 18, 2023
- Jixie's cable and HV map on redmine
- Survey (alignment) report dated 04/06/2023
- Dosimeter reading report on redmine
- 2022 Beam Test Redmine page
List of Suggested Technical Notes
- (Mike/Jimmy) alignment and layout
- (Mike) radiation dosimeter reading
- (Mike) Runlist (4 plots static for 18 deg linking to dynamic plots, also including 82 and 7 deg), including rates
- (Darren+someone) Cherenkov analysis
- (Mike/Zhiwen) summary of rates from preCDR work for each detector (to compare with our beam test)
- (Jixie) data cooking, pulse finding, integration and deconvolution
- (Ye) clean sample events – what types of runs to use and how to define them
- (Carter) LASPD timing extraction, including "edge-finding" algorithm in decoder
High rate at 7 deg
- Rates here were too high for proper PID analysis. We focused on carbon foil (and other thin) targets, and asked 5uA dedicated beam time for 20 minutes a week to check out the system. HVs were kept off during high luminosity running.
- main goal will be to make sure detectors all work properly
- Data may be useful to characterize limit of the detectors (under what situation would the detector signal "saturate"?)
Run Information
- The 7 deg run was carried out from January to February 2023, during XEM2 experiments
- Jimmy's record of detector layout:
- Dosimeter reading report
Target Information
The target ladder was unchanged from 7 to 18 deg (XEM2) and then to deuteron disintegration. The complete list can be found at https://wiki.jlab.org/xem2wiki/index.php/Data_Analysis_-_Target_Information Specifically:
- 3He: T=5.6 K, P=55 PSI, density=0.041 g/cm^3, 10 cm long or 0.41 g/cm^2 thick -- 3He started out around 100 PSI before the leak
- 4He: T=5.6K P=110 PSI, density=0.129 g/cm^3, 10 cm long or 1.29 g/cm^2 thick
- carbon target: 0.574 g/cm^2 +/- 0.002 g/cm^2
- aluminum dummy: 0.476 g/cm^2 (sum of two foils) +/- 0.003 g/cm^2 (uncertainty of each foil)
- Xiaochao comment: So 3He is slightly thinner than carbon, and 4He is about twice as thick