Largeangle Calorimeter
From solidwiki
The Largeangle Calorimeter (LC) provides particle ID for the large acceptance region of SIDIS Main Page experiments.
- Preshower- shower configuration
- Incidental momentum 3~7 GeV/c
- Provide a pion rejection factor of 200:1
- coverage: 13~22 degree (CDF design)
- In 1.5T field
- Radiation hard
- Better be thin, small radiation length
Option: W-SciFi
- A tungsten/scintillating fiber electromagnetic calorimeter prototype for a high-rate muon (g−2) experiment, NIM Volume 602, Issue 2, 21 April 2009, Pages 396-402
- A high-resolution lead /scintillating fiber electromagnetic calorimeter, NIMA, Volume 294, Issue 3, 15 September 1990, Pages 446-458
Simulation tools:
- SVN source [1]
- Adopted from [Solid_Forward_Calorimeter#how_to_run_code forward|angle calorimeter simulation]
- Added support for
- Set field from mac script: ex. mac/TestFile.mac
- Added hadron simulation, beam of pion, kaon from mac script: ex. mac/TestFile.mac
- Added option for preshower - shower confirguration: switch configurations at src/CaloSimDetectorConstruction.C::Construct()
- Script tools to convert GEMC phase space to input file and load via mac scripts: high level script at script/GEMC2CaloSimScript.C
Initial Studies
- Shower Only Configuration
- Simulated w/ 1.5T field; fiber is along the field direction; W plate is placed along the azimuthal direction.
- E/p plot is shown on the right
- Reasonable Pion electron separation
- PreShower-Shower Configuration
Option: Shashlyk Calorimeter
Light Collection and Detection
Option: outside PMT w/ Fiber extension
Option: GEM PMT
Option: Silicon based PMT
Popular choice but not a good one for LC, due to high background.
FPGA based waveform digitalizer?