Meeting solid coll 2011 01

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Solid Collaboration Meeting


time and location

Date: 2010_01_28 Friday, 2010_01_29 Saturday morning
Location: Jlab CEBAF Center F113 (Friday morning, Saturday morning), Auditorium (Friday afternoon)


Phoneline: US 866-740-1260 International 303-248-0285 Access code: 1978431
remote desktop sharing: EVO room "solid", password "solid"

upload talks

You can upload talks on ifarm at the directory /u/group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/meeting_coll/2011_01/

Then make a link in the agenda with the address like ""+"yourfilename"

or if you encounter some problems, ask or send the talk to


Friday, Jan 28

09:00 Introduction (Paul Souder)


09:20 Hall A 12 GeV Compton Polarimeter (Sirish Nanda)

09:40 Alternative Laser options for the 12 GeV Compton (Dave Gaskel)

10:00 High precision laser polarization measurement (Jaideep Singh)

10:30 Coffee

11:00 Compton Calorimeter at 11 GeV (Gregg Franklin)

11:20 Electron Detector options (Dipangkar Dutta)


11:40 Threshold Gas ˇCerenkov Detectors Using Avalanche Photodiodes(Whitney R. Armstrong)

12:00 SoLID: TransversityLight Gas Cerenkov Study (Simona. Malace)

12:20 Lunch


2:00 Collaboration with China (Haiyan Gao)

2:20 GEM coordination with China, He3 (Jian-ping Chen) (canceled)

2:40 GEM chambers for SoLID (Nilanga)

3:00 Coffee

3:30 Lab Perspecitve (Mont)

4:00 SoLID Magnet Options (and unstudied calorimeter thoughts)(Paul Reimer)

4:30 SIDIS with Solid (Xin Qian)

Saturday, Jan. 29

9:00 SoLID Monte Carlo (Seamus)

9:30 Radiative corrections, cross sections (Lorenzo Zana)

10:00 Moller Polarimetry (Eugene Chudakov)

10:30 coffee

11:00 Preparing for Director's Review (All)