Meetings DDVCS
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meeting zoom (password is what ddvcs would study)
- 2025/02/20 (Thu 10AM ET/16PM Paris)
- 2025/01/23 (Thu 10AM ET/16PM Paris)
- update Sebastian
- update Zhiwen
- recording
- 2024/12/12 (Thu 10AM ET/16PM Paris)
- projection update (Sebastian) (grape and EPIC results are close now)
- updated grape result with muon and ele comparison (Zhiwen) (grape ele mode has different feature comparing to muon mode)
- update on solid forward muon detection with 1 layer lead (Zhiwen) (lead help reduce pion rate,but not rate of muon from pion decay)
- recording
- 2024/11/21 (Thu 10AM ET/16PM Paris)
- discussion on Oct 30 (Zhiwen)
- grape mode (Zhiwen) (grape muon mode match HERA data)
- EpIC and grape comparison (Sebastian)
- Update about muon detector plan (Marie and Deb)
- recording
- 2023/04/11
- Update on H fitting ( Marie )
- Update Muon detector ( Juan-Sebastian)
- Update writing DDVCS (all)
- To do list DDVCS proposal for next week( all )
- background rate in muon detector
- DDVCS reconstruction efficency
- implement tracking on farm
- plots for proposal
- write proposal background section (Alex/Zhiwen)
- write physis motivation section ( Marie )
- update CLFV PVDIS simulation ( Zhiwen/Alex/Xinzhan)
- Update CLFV LOI writing
- Update tracking (Weizhi ?, Zhiwen ?)
- Muon detector with straw chamber discussion
- 2023/03/21
- Updates
- Alex will install on linux desktop and ifarm with VNC
- Zhiwen : 2 pions background, check how decay muon from pion , check if
- Weizhi started looking into tracking : tracking with muons with real resolution, check if can separate muon from decay
- Zhiwen talked to Lorenzo : neutron background at muon detector, Lorenzo will add to the neutron simulation, can give rate
- tracking with background
- CLFV : PVDIS with muon event
- Updates
- 2023/02/28
- Updates
- Files available at /work/halla/solid/mboer/Data/
- Zhiwen working on two pions background
- Sebastian met with PARTON people, checking the differences with VGG
- Updates
- 2023/02/14
- Agenda
- updates DDVCS generated event files
- Muon detector simulation
- preliminary cost table
- thoughts about CLFV
- Zhiwen has new acceptance
- updates DDVCS generated event files
- one DDVCS file sent to Zhiwen for now, file ok, some points need to be cut by hand
- easiest to look at rate with acceptance file
- Marie showed to Marmoud how to do analysis
- want to look at Phi acceptance of detector with asymmetry
- Muon detector simulation
- still working on GEMC
- preliminary cost table
- optimize number of layers - need to look at simulation
- thoughts about CLFV
- difficult with J/Psi, since it is electron trigger, need to check rates in GEM
- could use in PVDIS setup, Deuterium should be ok
- (Eric) progress Parton and VGG cross check - will meet with Pavel
- To do :
- Alex , will look at DDVCS file from Marie - will put link on wiki and slack
- Alex : muon in PVDIS setup
- Marie : will generate more files
- Marie : look at scintillator option Alex : Straw chamber
- NSF : proposal due mid April ( Early career )
- CLFV with Moller ?
- Background with Pythia ?
- Tracking : Weizhi busy - but will try to run - is J/Psi missing mass exist ?
- Proposal
- Overleaf ( remove everything)
- DAQ section, J/Psi rates summary
- Budget
- Agenda
- 2023/02/07
- picoTDC 200$ for 128 channels - 1000 CHF for board
- if high rate and high resolution need waveform sampling : EIC chips NALU, and EICROC, ALTIROC
- Zhiwen : updates on simulation, single pion background
- 2023/01/31
- [DDVCS tasks]
- Zhiwen shows introduction of detector setup
- Sonny - close muons detector could help for pion background - large angle
- Zhiwen - running single pion background
- JP Chen - pion background in large angle muons - how good muons/pion ?
- Alex : check PVDIS setup with muon detector for CLFV
- Ron : 30 m2 500 K$ in hardware straw tubes, Fermilab 2 inch diameter tube, + electronics
- Scintillators more 10 m2 for 300 K$ 800 $ per PMT, scintillator 6 cm thick
- MRPC : 10 m2 4 M$ + electronics - 1 cm strip size -
- 2022/12/13
- Minimum DDVCS setup
- Updates
- Simulation
- Eric and Zhiwen discussing with Discussion with Zhiwen, Eric and Sebastian, to work on simulation
- Marie has files generated that could be also used for cross checks
- update meson part of gen
- need to check the iron
- Pythia background : check with Zhiwen ( Ye Tian can run Pythia ) , should run in DDVCS simulation and look at muons ( look at what was done for other experiments like SIDIS), look at J/Psi for the tail , check with J/Psi proposal
- Yulia got samples and file reader, Yulia is able to run and make histograms, still need to at analysis, early January : maybe go for LOI for this PAC ( could be run group if DDVCS approved )
- preliminary simulation check by Xinzhan, seems to be able to work, Xinzhan can help on proposal, Geant4 simulation for crystals ( 22 MHz / per crystal for 2 cm x 2 cm )
- Ron Gilman interested to contribute to proposal for muon detector
- Simulation
- Updates
- 2022/10/31
- sticking to GEMC and Weizhi's tracking for this year
- SoLID muon task tracker :
- 2016/06/07
- Patrick's slide about rates in muon detector [1]
- 2016/05/24
- 2016/05/17
- Agenda
- Detector support costs about 160 kEuros File:Https://
- Electronics costs about 300 K$
- Simulation update
- New Generated files, normalization
- Update muon detector (Patrick) [[3]]
- Weizhi's talk about GEM occupancy for J/psi [[4]]
- Agenda
- 2016/05/03
- 2016/04/26
- 2016/04/19
- 2016/04/12
- Agenda
- Discussion mechanical design muon detector
- Update from Patrick on Muon detector simulation
- Update from Marie on Event Generator
- Summary
- Patrick not done yet with plots, will send in the next few days
- Discussion about trigger rates, triggering on the third detectors after two layers of detector seems ok
- Marie : still testing / debugging bad bins
- Mechanical design : Christine has a preliminary design which covers the acceptance using 12 pieces of iron ( 6 out of 8 large iron slabs ) can only have two layers without getting additionnal iron
- Agenda
File:Image 2 solid.jpg File:Image 1 solid.jpg
- 2016/03/29
- Agenda
- Discussion mechanical design muon detector
- Discussion Large angle muon detector ( Kondo )
- Discussion funding requests and responsibilities between institutions ( All )
- Background update from Zhiwen ( not sure if he will be around but we can discuss what he sent )
- Update from Patrick on Muon detector simulation
- Update from Eric about new VGG code testing
- Update from Marie on Event Generator
- Organization proposal directory ( Alex )
- Summary
- Marie : checking the grid, working for TCS, small issue with DDVCS grid, working on it
- Eric VGG setup working now, can check kinematics
- Agenda
- 2016/03/22
- Marie Grid ran last week, seems to work, Marie cross checking.
- pptxpdf Simulation update (Zhiwen)
- Eric/Michel : implemented right Jacobian for Jacobian the lab. About 20 % because assumed photon mass. How mass muon is implemented, previous had only electron mass for pair. New version with muon coming this week
- 2016/03/10
- Update Temple Detector simulation
- Task lists
- Alexandre muon detector and experimental setup
- Eric : counting rates BH with VGG
- Zhiwen : more detailed on simulation
- Temple : muon and pion efficiency rejection and optimization of absorber ( 3 layers , from 30 up to 90 cm thickness )
- muon background effect of vertex cut
- Update DDVCS files event generation
- pptxpdf Simulation update (Zhiwen)
- 2015/06/03
- Tasks
- Simulation trigger rates ( Zhiwen )
- Simulation pion contamination ( Zhiwen, French students ? )
- Simulation effect of muon loss of acceptance bottom ?
- Check event generator , (finer grid) ( Marie and student )
- Detector around end cap
Install GEMC ( Alexandre ,Dominique )Done !- VGG study ( Alexandre , Eric , Dominique )
- Write up for SoLID committee and PAC
- Tasks
- 2015/05/26 & 2015/05/28
- pptxpdf more about background, Zhiwen Zhao
- Tasks
- Simulation trigger rates ( Zhiwen )
- Simulation pion contamination ( Zhiwen, French students ? )
- Simulation effect of muon loss of acceptance bottom ?
- Check event generator , (finer grid) ( Marie and student )
- Detector around end cap
- Install GEMC ( Alexandre ,Dominique )
- VGG study ( Alexandre , Eric , Dominique )
- Write up for SoLID committee and PAC