Minutes Tuesday, June 24, 2014
From solidwiki
Link to the Meeting page Solid Teleconference Meetings
Last meeting: [1]
- Paul's Update https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/c/ca/Presentation1.pdf
- SIDIS Rate Study by Zhihong: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r2c84sriwsdvl4z/SIDIS_Rates.pdf
Rakitha, JP, Zhihong, Paul, Nickie, Mehdi, Michael, and Richard
- The preCDR status,
- Will submit by next Monday to Bob and Mont.
- We will receive Hall A TAC comments for new SoLID proposals
- One main comment about the EMC proposal : Ca48 Neutron bkg
- Update the collaboration list before the director's review
- Sent out emails institutions to update collaborators in that institution.
- Paul's update on Simulation
- Discussed the possibility of reducing the target length, where pions go down quadratically and DIS goes down linearly with the target length
- Possible changes that we could do before the director's review
- Optimizing the Cerenkov detector system : add lead before the Cerenkov mirrors
- Paul and JP can come up with a list of things that we could do before the directors review
- It is also worth looking at the EM background variation with target length
- CLEO magnet visit, People who traveled to visit the magnet are finalizing the report
- Zhihong's update on the Pi0 background on the SPD, see SoLID elog 89