Run group proposal review 7 2016

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Time and Location

Date: 2016 July 15th Fridayy
Location: Jlab CEBAF Room L102-104

Remote Communication (Blue Jeans)

Dail In: +1 888 240 2560 (US Toll Free), +1 408 317 9253 (Alternate Number), +1 408 740 7256 (International), Enter Meeting ID: 581518533

Join by Web-Browser and Desktop Sharing:

Note1: For first time users of Blue-Jeans, you will be asked to install a plug-in (ie, firefox and chrome) when you click the link above. Please do so and enable the plugin. Please test the website before you join the meeting and make sure how to share your desktop if you give a talk (Online meeting starts at 9:00 EST).

Note2: You don't need to dail in if your computer has a mic and a speaker, and the plug-in is properly installed. Make sure to mute your PC's mic & speaker when you choose to dial in and use the web-browser at the same time.

Upload talks

You can upload talks on any jlab CUE machine (like jlabl1) at the directory /group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/meeting_coll/2016_07

Then make a link in the agenda with the address like ""+"yourfilename". Here is how:

1, Log in to wiki with your JLab account
2, If it goes back to this page, find the section that your talk is scheduled.
3, Click the texts "edit", then you will see a new page with the editing box
4, In the box, find the title of your talk, and paste the link to your slides next to the tile, like:
       |15:20  || title [ PDF]  ||  Name
   where "PDF" is just a name and you can use any-name you like, or just leave a blank.
5, In case you prefer not to upload your slides to the SoLID-directory (or simply don't know how), 

put your slides on other location and tell us the link, like

       |15:20  || Letter-Of-Intent: DVCS with Transverse 3He [http://url/Slides.pdf PDF]  ||     Name 
   or simply use wiki's upload option.

If you encounter any problem, ask or send the talk to Rakitha Beminiwattha (

Agenda (archive)

07/15 (Friday), Room L102-104


1:30 Welcome Paul Souder
1:40 PR12-10-006B, Measurement of Deep Exclusive pi- Production using a Transversely Polarized 3He Target and the SoLID Spectrometer proposal cover page theory comments TAC (Talk-pdf)(Talk-pptx) Zhihong Ye
2:00 Discussion
2:20 LOI12-16-007, First Measurement of the e-3He Parity Violating Deep Inelastic Scattering Asymmetry Using an Upgraded Polarized 3He Target proposal cover page theory comments TAC slides Yuxiang Zhao
2:40 Discussion
3:00 Executive session (closed) Committee
3:30 Discussion
3:40 Adjourn

Committee Members

  • Paul Souder
  • Zein-Eddine Meziani
  • Haiyan Gao
  • Thia Keppel
  • Charles Hyde