Sim geant4

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for record keeping only, don't use it!

(simulation in GEANT4 with GEMC 1.x used for later proposals and pCDR)

Solid simulation with GEMC

For new users

GEMC is a wrapper around genat4. It's like a great genat4 example code, but makes detector geometry, material, sensitivity etc outside of source code and loadable on run time. It also make simulation output into standard format and can take input from event generators. Read the general GEMC info on its website to learn what it is. In particular take a look at the GEMC tutorials.

SoLID GEMC is what we use GEMC to do SoLID simulation. It includes SoLID detector definition, running script, output analysis code etc.

Check out the quick start, installation and running guide to run GEMC with Solid configuration.

Finally you can go through rest of items to really start using it.

Many information are cross linked through pages even with SoLID hardware design and software analysis. So make sure to browse around.

Quick start

  • note
    • make sure you have no other environmental variable set at login which may have conflict with GEMC. one way to do it is to rename .cshrc and .login to something else and log out and then in again

on ifarm using pre-compiled GEMC instllation

svn checkout
cd solid_gemc/script
source set_solid
run_solid_CLEO_PVDIS_inter  (this will show SoLID PVDIS setup)
run_solid_CLEO_SIDIS_3he_inter  (this will show SoLID SIDIS setup)
run_solid_CLEO_PVDIS_batch  (this will produce SoLID PVDIS output)
run_solid_CLEO_SIDIS_3he_batch  (this will produce SoLID SIDIS output)

on any machine using a local GEMC installation

download and install GEMC by following the installation instruction install
svn checkout
modify solid_gemc/script/set_solid to your local setting and then source it
If your machine is outside of Jlab network, try tunnel through jlab firewall 
with your jlab account to access solid database server, refer to mysql database
put a copy of SoLID CLEO magnetic field map file solenoid_CLEO.dat at where defined by the FIELD_DIR option
then you can run the script like run_solid_CLEO_PVDIS_inter, run_solid_CLEO_SIDIS_3he_inter,run_solid_CLEO_PVDIS_batch, run_solid_CLEO_SIDIS_3he_batch
refer to details in run

General info

links and contacts

general question, please email Zhiwen Zhao <>

solgemc related question, please email Seamus Riordan <>

Things to know

Use a graphic SVN to monitor code change with alert

GEMC ouput with unit MeV, mm, ns in flux and gen banks, we should keep the same unit for newly generated banks.

GEMC doesn't record passby particles which deposit zero energy in the sensitive area. To record it by option "-RECORD_PASSBY=1"

install GEMC for SoLID simulation

run GEMC with SoLID configuration

mysql database

define geometry/material/sensitivity

magnetic field map

hit processing

simulation output

event generator

Visualization through GDML and directly through GEMC

Simulation Study



SIDIS kinematics

Solid GEM Digitization

rate and background

pi e Ratio

Figure of Merit for baffle designs



talks and notes

Solid simulation 2011/03 (Zhiwen)

SoLID Monte Carlo 2011/01 (Seamus)

Strategy 2010/10 (Zhiwen)

General thoughts

Thought on solid gemc developing


Framework Ideas (Seamus)