SoLID Ecal Weekly 20230330

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Update from the hall

  • Yesterday (Wednesday March 29th), moving cables out of the way (Mike, Jimmy, Jixie), cleaned up, preparing labels for UVA property; Could move stuff to ESB.
  • Xinzhan needed to take 3 GEMs for Fermilab test. Before taking off the detector table, Jimmy did some measurement of the GEM positioning, removed GEMs after RadCon survey. GEMs are now removed but need some additional paperwork related to RadCon before being taken to FTBF.
  • Still following up on survey and dosimeter results

Discussion on Analysis

  • Cherenkov (Darren): Using run 4680, either stat too low (50k) or GEM track doesn’t make sense; Jimmy said should work, can Jimmy send around his code (which uses level0)? Can Jimmy take a look at 4680 level1 tree?
  • Cooking (Jixie): Note that some runs were cooked incorrectly (see Monday note). It was found that some database files were deleted mistakenly due to volatile being full (deleted by robot), only affect level1 trees. Will add failsafe switch to cooking.
  • Jixie: this run (4680?) should have ~M events and 400k with GEM tracking
  • GEM update: Jimmy reported that Xinzhan is working on implementing SBS tracking, removing excess information to save processing time.
  • Run list: see google spreadsheet

Summary of Analysis meeting Monday March 27th

  • Tim looked at 50k replay of 4695 but the ShowerSum looks different from before (see slack).
  • Using GEM for Cherenkov: golden run 4680 (5uA but only 50k events?); Mike suggested maybe also trying another run.
  • GEM tracking:
    • fXtrack, fYtrack, fXptrack, fYptrack are for the 1st (most upstream) GEM. (detector drawing is pinned to slack); fchi2track can be used for lose selection of events (but no suggestion on what value to use 50k → 20k with good track → 6k with chi2<100)
    • each event may have more than 1 track, besttrackindex is set to 0 for all, but tracks are ordered by chi2 with the first being the lowest.