Weekly : Monday, September 28, 2015 9:30am EDT
From solidwiki
Link to the Meeting page Meeting solid
Last meeting: Weekly : Monday, September 21, 2015 9:30am EDT
The teleconference info is as follows:
Phone #: +1-888-240-2560 or +1-408-740-7256 and See International Numbers Code: 8540081197 Computer : blujeans-browser Date and Location: Weekly Monday at 9:30AM in CEBAF center F226 (announcement in solid emaillist)
Seamus, Zhiwen, JP, Rakitha, Paul, Nilanga, Vince, Rich, Steve, Yuxiang, Lorenzo
- Dates for next collaboration meeting : Tuesday and Wednesday (12 and 13th of January) more preferable
- Write ups from Seamus and Xiaochao for Pre-R&D requests for simulation and detector development man power are received.
- Where we could hire new people : Easier to go through a university rather than JLab. Sony-Brook, Duke ?
- DAQ development at Sony-Brook, starting with DAQ simulation and hardware development. At Stony-Brook KK, Seamus and Tom is involved with this work
- Seamus will update starting plan for DAQ after talking with Tom and KK
- Alex has put together pre-R&D request write-up for SoLID DAQ
- Chinese collaboration update : Develop MRPC read-out electronics in China. Alex is looking into how technology transfer can be done from US to China side.
- Which readout to read GEM? APV25 chip or move to new VMM3 chip developed at Brookhaven national lab (BNL) and CERN. APV was not develop for used with GEM and there have been issues with dead-time per channel. Nilanga and Alex