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SoLID (Solenoidal Large Intensity Device) will be used in Hall A 12GeV era. The approved experiments and their allocated beam time are the following:
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** [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/collab/PAC/PAC34/PR-09-012-pvdis.pdf Submission at PAC 34], [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/collab/PAC/PAC35/PR-10-007-SoLID-PVDIS.pdf Update at PAC 35], [http://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/PACpage/PAC37/proposals/Proposals/Previously%20Approved/E12-10-007.pdf Update at PAC 37], requested 180 days deuterium target, 90 days hydrogen target, plus commissioning, total 338 days; approved 169 days (half of requested), rated A
** SIDIS with Transversely Polarized 3He(E12-10-006)[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/collab/PAC/PAC34/PR-09-014-transversity.pdf Submission at PAC 34], [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/collab/PAC/PAC35/PR-10-006-SoLID-Transversity.pdf Update at PAC 35], [http://wwwold.jlab.org/exp_prog/PACpage/PAC38/proposals/Previously_Approved/E12-10-006-update.pdf Update at PAC 38], approved 90 days, rated A
** SIDIS with Longitudinally Polarized 3He(E12-11-007)[http://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/PACpage/PAC37/proposals/Proposals/New%20Proposals/PR-11-007.pdf Submission at PAC 37], [http://wwwold.jlab.org/exp_prog/PACpage/PAC38/proposals/Previously_Approved/E12-11-007_Update.pdf Update at PAC 38], approved 35 days, rated A
** SIDIS with Transversely Polarized Proton (E12-11-108)[http://wwwold.jlab.org/exp_prog/proposals/11/PR12-11-108.pdf  Submission at PAC 38], [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/download/doc/PR12-11-108_update.pdf Update at PAC 39], approved 120 days, rated A
** SIDIS Dihadron with Transversely Polarized 3He (E12-10-006A) [https://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/proposals/14/E12-10-006A.pdf Submission at SoLID TAC and PAC 42,2014], approved as run group with E12-10-006
** SIDIS in Kaon Production with Transversely Polarized Proton and 3He (E12-11-108B/E12-10-006D) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/download/doc/SoLID_Kaon_SIDIS.pdf Submission to SoLID TAC and PAC46, 2018], conditionally approved as a run group experiment
* J/Psi (E12-12-006)
** Near Threshold Electroproduction of J/Psi at 11 GeV [http://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/proposals/12/PR12-12-006.pdf Submission at PAC 39,2012], approved 60 days, rated A-
* Ay (E12-11-108A/E12-10-006A)
** Target Single Spin Asymmetry Measurements in the Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Reaction on Transversely Polarized Proton and Neutron (3He) Targets using the SoLID Spectrometer [https://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/proposals/14/E12-11-108A_E12-10-006A.pdf Submission at SoLID TAC and PAC 42,2014],approved as run group with E12-10-006 and E12-11-108
* g2n and d2n(E12-11-007A/E12-10-006E)
** Measurement of Inclusive g2n and d2n with SoLID on a Polarized 3He Target,Approved at SoLID TAC and PAC 48,2020
* Deep Exclusive Meson Production (E12-10-006B) ([[Deeply Virtual Meson Production|DEMP]])
** Measurement of Deep Exclusive Pi- Production using a Transversely Polarized He3 Target and the SoLID Spectrometer,[https://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/proposals/17/E12-10-006B.pdf Submission at SoLID TAC and PAC 45, 2017], approved as run group with E12-10-006.
*Timelike Compton Scattering (E12-12-006A) ([[TCS]])
** TCS with circular polarized beam and unpolarized LH2 target,[https://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/proposals/15/PR12-12-006A.pdf Submission at SoLID TAC and PAC 43, 2015], approved as run group with J/Psi(E12-12-006)
*Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS)
**[[Polarized target DVCS]] (ideas)
* Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering ([[DDVCS]])
** DDVCS on proton (LOI12-12-005) [https://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/proposals/15/LOI12-15-005.pdf LOI to PAC 43, 2015], first as run group with J/Psi(E12-12-006) and then as a dedicated run
== Getting started ==
== Preliminary Conceptual Design Report ==
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* [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:FAQ MediaWiki FAQ]
[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/files/solid-precdr-Nov2019.pdf solid-precdr-Nov2019.pdf] (submitted to DOE in '''February 2020''')
* [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce MediaWiki release mailing list]
* [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Localisation#Translation_resources Localise MediaWiki for your language]
[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/download/doc/solid-precdr-2018.pdf solid-precdr-2018.pdf] (submitted to JLab in '''Jan 2019''')
[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/download/doc/solid_precdr_2017.pdf solid_precdr_2017.pdf](submitted to JLab in '''Jun 2017''')
[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/download/doc/solid_precdr.pdf solid_precdr.pdf] (submitted to JLab in '''Jul 2014''')
[[Solid_technical_proposal | Instructions and Guidelines of 2014 version for writers]] (outdated)
== Important Documentations and Talks==
White Paper for QCD Town-Meeting [http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.7741 on arxiv]
== Review ==
* Director Review 2019/09
* Director Review 2015/02/23-02/24
** (All links protected by review username and password unless otherwise mentioned, ask any SoLID member for them)
** [https://www.jlab.org/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=94 official site] (protected by Indico account and password)
** [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/director_review/index.html Additional Material]
** [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/director_review/response/SOLID_Review_2015_FInal.pdf Report of the Review Committee]  
** [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/director_review/response/solid_directorreview2015_reply_v18.pdf Reply submitted to Physics Division 12/21/2016]
** [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/director_review/response/solid-directorreview2015-reply_v30.pdf Reply (summary only) submitted to Physics Division 3/30/2017]
== [[meeting_solid_coll | Collaboration Meeting]] ==
== Regular Meeting ==
* general
** [[meeting_solid | general meeting (weekly Monday morning 9:30AM ET, announcement in solid emaillist)]]
* physics
** [[meeting_solid_sidis | sidis meeting (often shared simulation meeting time,announcement in solid_sidis emaillist]]
* subsystem
** [[meeting_solid_software | software meeting (announcement in solid_software emaillist]]
** [[meeting_solid_simulation | simulation meeting (weekly, Tuesday morning 10:30AM ET,announcement in solid_software emaillist]]
** [[Meeting_solid_ec | EC and DAQ meeting (weekly, Thursday morning 9AM, announcement in solid_ec and solid_daq emaillist]]
** [[Solid_GEM | GEM meeting (announcement in solid_gem emaillist]]
** [[meeting_solid_preRD_cher |  Cherenkov pre-R&D (Mondays at 11AM EST)]]
== [[Solid_Software | Software]] ==
== [[SoLID_Study | Study]]==
A collection of studies often involve more than one subsystems
== Design (overall) ==
=== SoLID Setup plot ===
They are stored here (note the date in file name and choose the latest one to use)
===[[Solid Detector Dimension|Detector Dimension and Layout]] ===
===[[Solid Detectors Channel count and parameters]]===
=== [[SoLID Engineering Integration and CAD]] ===
== Design (subsystems) ==
[[Solid Calorimeter | Calorimeter]]
[[Solid SPD| SPD]]
[[Solid MRPC | MRPC]]
[[Solid GEM | GEM]]
[[Solid Tracking | Tracking]]
[[Solid Optics | Optics]]
[[Solid Cherenkov SIDIS | Light Gas Cherenkov SIDIS]]
[[Solid Cherenkov PVDIS | Light Gas Cherenkov PVDIS]]
[[Solid Heavy Gas Cherenkov | Heavy Gas Cherenkov]]
[[Baffle Design | PVDIS Baffle]]
[[Solid Magnet | Magnet coil and yoke ]]
[[Solid Target PVDIS| Target PVDIS]]
[[Solid Target SIDIS| Target SIDIS]]
[[Solid Polarimetry Compton | Polarimetry Compton]]
[[Solid Polarimetry Moller | Polarimetry Moller]]
[[Solid neutron background | neutron background]]
[[Solid DAQ | DAQ]]
===Email list===
(The contact of emaillist admin is at the bottom of each registration and archive webpage)
* general, "solid at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid registration and archive]
* physics
** solid_sidis emaillist,"solid_sidis at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_sidis registration and archive]
** solid_ddvcs emaillist,"solid_ddvcs at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_ddvcs registration and archive]
** Athenna emaillist,"athenna at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/athenna registration and archive] (JPsi)
** ee emaillist,"ee at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/ee registration and archive] (for general dilepton reaction at jlab,including TCS,DDVCS,JPsi)
* subsystems
** software emaillist, "solid_software at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_software registration and archive] (we have used "halla12_software at jlab.org" until end of 2015, [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/halla12_software registration and archive])
** ec emaillist, "solid_ec at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_ec registration and archive]
** daq emaillist, "solid_daq at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_daq registration and archive]
** baffle emaillist,"solid_baffle at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_baffle registration and archive]
** gem emaillist,"solid_gem at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_gem registration and archive]
** tracking emaillist,"solid_tracking at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_tracking registration and archive]
** tof emaillist,"solid_tof at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_tof  registration and archive]
** Cerenkov emaillist,"solid_cc at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_cc  registration and archive]
** HGC emaillist,"solid_hgc at jlab.org", [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/solid_hgc  registration and archive]
=== SoLID HallA webpage ===
=== SoLID DocDB ===
Solid Document Database
[https://solid.jlab.org/cgi-bin/public/DocumentDatabase Public Access]
[https://solid.jlab.org/cgi-bin/private/DocumentDatabase Collaboration Access]
=== SoLID ELog ===
=== File sharing ===
each topic has its own directory, please keep it organized.
upload to /u/group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/download/ within jlab network
download at http://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/download/

Revision as of 12:11, 24 November 2020


SoLID (Solenoidal Large Intensity Device) will be used in Hall A 12GeV era. The approved experiments and their allocated beam time are the following:

Preliminary Conceptual Design Report

solid-precdr-Nov2019.pdf (submitted to DOE in February 2020)

solid-precdr-2018.pdf (submitted to JLab in Jan 2019)

solid_precdr_2017.pdf(submitted to JLab in Jun 2017)

solid_precdr.pdf (submitted to JLab in Jul 2014)

Instructions and Guidelines of 2014 version for writers (outdated)

Important Documentations and Talks

White Paper for QCD Town-Meeting on arxiv


Collaboration Meeting

Regular Meeting



A collection of studies often involve more than one subsystems

Design (overall)

SoLID Setup plot

They are stored here (note the date in file name and choose the latest one to use)


Detector Dimension and Layout

Solid Detectors Channel count and parameters

SoLID Engineering Integration and CAD

Design (subsystems)







Light Gas Cherenkov SIDIS

Light Gas Cherenkov PVDIS

Heavy Gas Cherenkov

PVDIS Baffle

Magnet coil and yoke

Target PVDIS

Target SIDIS

Polarimetry Compton

Polarimetry Moller

neutron background



Email list

(The contact of emaillist admin is at the bottom of each registration and archive webpage)

SoLID HallA webpage



Solid Document Database Public Access Collaboration Access



File sharing

each topic has its own directory, please keep it organized.

upload to /u/group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/download/ within jlab network

download at http://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SoLID/download/