A collection of studies often involve more than one subsystems
most of codes are at
timeline and tasks
full list todo (to be updated)
item1: GEM simulation, digitization and tracking
(1 fte)
- basic tasks for simulation
- put GEM frames,dead area and layout in the simulation, modify the digitization and tracking reconstruction accordingly.
- basic tasks for simulation, experimental specific
- 1. Modify the GEM clustering algorithm for PVDIS segmented strips (done by Rich). Test the effect for the PVDIS configuration.
- 2. Field map precision requirement from tracking
- more tasks for digitization and tracking
- 1. Add VMM objects in the digitization, add common mode noise and try to do common mode correction in the GEM clustering.
- 2. Add refit function to the tracking reconstruction program or use polynomials that extracted from simulation.
- 3. Fine-tuning the digitization, including finalizing the GEM shaping function and obtaining better match with experimental data.
- 4. Optimize the out-of-time noise rejection algorithm (and simulation)
- 5. Speed up digitization code and improve background merging method
- 6. improve tracking software speed, online tracking in FPGA
- 6. improve tracking efficiency, by trying other reconstruction and fitting algorithms, including machine learning
- 7. more complete tracking result output for other study
- more tasks for digitization and tracking, experimental specific
- 1. single particle tracking for SIDIS NH3.
- 2. Understand relative low efficiency for hadron tracking
- 3. multiple particle tracking for SIDIS and JPsi
item2: other sub-detector simulation, digitization and reconstruction
adjust all sub-system for magnet with longer endcap and evaluate performance (all)
support hardware design and study
- LGC (0.2 fte)
- HGC (0.2 fte)
- EC (0.3 fte)
- SPD (0.1 fte)
- MRPC (0.2 fte)
- magnet (included in tracking?)
item3: Overall simulation and optimization
- simulation (0.4 fte)
- software maintenance and distribution
- full simulation and file sharing
- generators
- optimization (FOM and physics evaluation, trigger and background)
- PVDIS, including baffle (0.8 fte)
- SIDIS_He3, including collimator (0.4 fte)
- SIDIS_NH3, including sheet of flame (0.4 fte)
- JPsi (0.5 fte)
item4: Software framework and integration with simulated data
- explore software framework include simulation,digitization,reconstruction, analysis (0.5 fte)
- initial art implementation
- exploring DD4hep and related software
- prototyping how to migrate from the current software tools
item5: General reconstruction
(0.3 fte)
- particle identification combine multiple detectors
- tool for trigger and background study
- background merging for all detectors
- more
2021/04 - CD1
- generator
- finish comparing generator with geant4 (Ye)
- polish bggen (Ye)
- simulation software in general
- background merging for all detectors (Sanghwa and Zhiwen)
- use new gemc (Zhiwen)
- background and trigger
- trigger JPsi (Sylvester)
- make longer endcap default
- new acceptance for all configuration to check (Zhiwen)
- full simulation to check background and trigger with existing method (Ye and Zhiwen)
- adjust all sub-systems for magnet with longer endcap and evaluate performance (all sub-systems)
- PVDIS FOM (Weizhi),
- SIDIS projection (Vlad)
- JPsi projection (Sylvester)
- particle identification combine multiple detectors (EC and LGC)
- GEM and tracking
- put GEM frames,dead area,layout in the simulation, modify the digitization and tracking reconstruction accordingly. (UVa, Weizhi)
- Continue GEM VMM digitization with test input (Weizhi)
- Cherenkov
- tuning with beam test
- background rejection with sum64,quad,pixel
- finish EC and SPD sim of hallc test and compare to solid
- EC
- tuning with beam test
- LAEC near 15deg
2020/05 - 2021/03
Science Review preparation (2020/05-2021/03)
- GEM and tracking
- (ongoing,Oct) GEM digitization with VMM (improve model, study on JPsi and SIDIS_NH3) (Jinlong)
- (started,Dec) put GEM frames,dead area,layout in the simulation, modify the digitization and tracking reconstruction accordingly. (UVa and Weizhi)
- (done) single particle tracking for SIDIS NH3. (Weizhi)
- (done) hadron tracking (Weizhi)
- (ongoing,Nov) multiple particle tracking for SIDIS and JPsi (Weizhi)
- generator
- (ongoing,Oct) evaluate e- generators (Ye)
- (ongoing,Nov) compare generator with geant4 (Ye)
- background and trigger with shorter endcap
- (ongoing,Oct) SIDIS_NH3 (Vlad)
- (starting,Dec) JPsi (Sylvester)
- basic physics check with longer endcap
- (ongoing,Oct) new acceptance for all configuration to check (Zhiwen)
- (done) PVDIS FOM (Weizhi),
- (ongoing,Dec) SIDIS projection (Duke)
- (starting,Dec) JPsi projection (Sylvester)
- (ongoing,Dec) full simulation to check background and trigger with existing method (Zhiwen and Ye)
- (ongoing,Dec) adjust all sub-systems for magnet with longer endcap and evaluate performance (all sub-systems)
- (lower priority) explore software framework include simulation,digitization,reconstruction, analysis
- initial art implementation (Ole)
- exploring DD4hep and related software (ANL)
- prototyping how to migrate from the current software tools (Sanghwa and Zhiwen)
preRD support (2020/05-2021/03)
- GEM and DAQ (Jinlong and Weizhi)
- VMM digitization comparing to data, reconstruct track with background in test setup.
- Cherenkov (Zhiwen,Michael,ANL)
- high rate
- background rejection with sum64,quad,pixel
- understand beamtest,simulation and link to SoLID Cherenkov
2018/02 - 2020/02
- Before science review
- high priority
- How to increase DAQ limit? risk and resources? check with GEM digitization and new parameters matching new chips (Alex,Weizhi,Jinlong)(SAMPA done for SIDIS He3, need for PVDIS and JPsi)
- Consistency of check halld based generator rate with nuclei target (Ye Tian, Jixie, Rakitha) (done)
- Comparison of DVCS and MARATHON data to hadron generator (halld based) and Geant4 for charged and neutral pions (Ye Tian from SDU and Ye Tian) (charged pion done, need pi0)
- SIDIS He3 trigger rates in coherent analysis with validated hadron generator (Ye Tian)(has progress, ongoing)
- SPD double check for occupancy and rejection (Sangwha)(ongoing)
- First pass at reevaluation of FOM with new magnet and detector geometry (Zhiwen,Michael,Rich)(LGC and HGC have initial implementation,need to implement new map and check baffle)
- high priority
- After science review:
- Medium priority
- Jpsi trigger study, 2 or 3 particle trigger? (Zhiwen)
- SIDIS NH3 trigger study, what level of rate we have? (Chao Gu)
- DAQ simulation
- GEM data size reduction
- GEM position optimization for SIDIS, detailed layout and dead area
- Complete MRPC study timing resolution with background
- Complete SPD study timing resolution with background
- MRPC in trigger for occupancy and rejection (Sangwha)
- add photon and position dependent EC response
- Provide ability to reevaluate of all subsystems including number of sector (30 or something else) (subsystems must be done by respective groups)
- Low priority
- PVDIS tracking with divided strips
- Reevaluate radiation in new magnet
- Migrate to github
- Expand digitization for all systems, experiment with pseudoanalysis framework
- Internal radiative corrections for DIS
- Reconcile eicRate vs. Yuxiang electron generator
- initial art implementation
- Medium priority
hadron generator; check the hallD one; ???
electron generator; check and compare Yuxiang's new one and the eicrate; Seamus
electron generator; radiative correction; Seamus
Software framework; initial art implementation; Ole
Magnet; new map; Zhiwen
GEM simulation; position optimization, detailed layout and dead area; Nilanga and new person
GEM digitization and tracking; resolution with background, documentation, code optimization; Weizhi and new person
MRPC; digitization verification, documentation, code optimization, trigger response; Sanghwa
SPD; rate study; Sanghwa
EC; add photon effect, digitization, trigger response and performance; Ye
LGC; update design within new magnet; Michael
HGC; update design within new magnet; Zhiwen
background and trigger; more detailed study of Jpsi 3e trigger, SIDIS NH3 trigger; Zhiwen and ???
DAQ deadtime; ??? ; Alex
radiation; checking after new magnet??? ; Lorenzo
repo change from svn to github; Zhiwen and Ole
code control and document; can we repeat result with version controlled code, existing simulation data and simple instruction;all
Sanghwa, MRPC simulation and digitization
Zhiwen, SIDIS He3 detection eff
Kalyan, SIDIS NH3 detection eff
Kalyan?, SIDIS NH3 trigger rate
Seamus/Yuxiang, electron generator merging resonance and DIS part
Yuxiang, hadron generator (SIDIS He3 window)
Ye Tian, EC for SIDIS and JPsi
Alex, DAQ deatime
??? justification for detector optimization
what | who | goal by Sep,response to director review | status | goal by Dec,prepare for science review | status |
acceptances and efficiency | Zhiwen, Kalyan, Rich Holmes | simple geometry acceptance for all, detailed acceptances and efficiency study for SIDIS He3,PVDIS | ongoing | detailed study for JPsi,SIDIS NH3 | |
PVDIS Q2 | Bob Michaels, Paul Souder, Rich Holmes | general method and sensitivities | ongoing | method details | |
SIDIS impact | Tianbo,Zhihong,Kalyan | transversity,tensor charge for SoLID,SBS,CLAS12 | ongoing | other TMD | |
J/psi bin migration and signal/background | Michael Paolone and Zhiwen Zhao | 4 fold and 3 fold | ongoing | ? | |
Magnet optimization | ANL | ? | ? | ||
EC old trigger function wrapper | Yuxiang | as is | done in March trigger | ||
EC new trigger | Rakitha | PVDIS,SIDIS_He3 | PVDIS done PVDIS ECAL Trigger PVDIS Background SummaryPVDIS trigger fuction PVDIS trigger_efficiency_numbers, SIDIS_He3 ongoing | JPsi,SIDIS_NH3 | |
LGC trigger response | Michael | PVDIS,SIDIS,JPis | done in March, can be adjusted (PVDIS threshold: 2P.E, 2pmts for one sector) | ||
SPD and MRPC trigger | Sanghwa | SPD trggier | ongoing | MRPC trigger | |
PVDIS e trigger | Yuxiang | as is | done in July trigger_rate | ||
SIDIS e trigger | Yuxiang | as is | ongoing | ||
SIDIS hadron trigger | Yuxiang | as is | ongoing | ||
JPsi e trigger | Yuxiang | as is | |||
DAQ deadtime | Alex,Bob | as is | ongoing | ||
GEM response parameterization | Nilanga | with source | onging | with beam | |
GEM Digitization and Occupancy | Weizhi | SIDIS_He3 | done with initial result, need UVa input to finalize | PVDIS,JPis,SIDIS_NH3 | |
tracking | Weizhi | tracking fitting for all, track finding for SIDIS_He3 | done with tracking fitting for all, ongoing with track finding for SIDIS_He3 | track finding for others | |
Baffles optimization | Rich | as is | done | ||
Radiation and activation | Lorenzo | as is | done | ||
Kaon identification | TOF group | initial study | done | more study | |
unified simulation | Zhiwen Zhao and all | as is | done | fine tuning, testing with software framework | |
software framework | Ole | identify and make the choice, short doc | done with choice, working on doc | testing |